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Break free from poverty consciousness, discover your latent gifts, and generate wealth doing what you love.

Choose your own adventure...

Do any of these origin stories sound familiar to you?

  • Disillusioned

    You've spiritually "awakened" but "enlightenment" seems more like a cruel joke than a light at the end of the tunnel. Whenever you think you're out of that tunnel, yet another Dark Night of the Soul drops in just CAUSE, you know. Existential crises seem to have a thing for you. You know you have spiritual gifts but dammit, they're SCARY, never mind knowing how to actually develop and use them.

  • Lost

    Purpose? What purpose? You know you have a MISSION but you can't quite put your finger on it. Some days just putting on a pair of pants is a massive win. At least your therapist loves you? You've played the field with a lot of those. In fact, you're pretty sure you've tried everything to bring some semblance of joy into your life and STILL, you honestly just long for the day when you can just go "home" cause, dammit, you're convinced it sure as hell ain't here.

  • Alone

    Does your laptop count as a significant other? Because you're pretty sure you may be in a deep, loving, committed relationship with yours. It's safer that way. You've been scarred by one too many narcissists and have basically given up on humanity at this point, you're pretty sure. You have no one to talk to about "spiritual stuff." And well, admittedly, you're kind of a nerd.

  • Overwhelmed

    All of the above? If you looked up the phrase "hot sizzling mess" on urban dictionary, you're pretty sure you'd find your life. Money? Secure attachment? Sanity? You're convinced dragons are far more plausible than such things. You're keen to change and heal but feel you have already tried ALL THE THINGS with ZERO to show for it. You're pretty convinced your Higher Self is an asshole and the Universe hates you?

The good news? Spiritual awakening doesn't have to be hard. And you don't have to do it alone.

Support is available to you. If this page found you, it was not by chance.

What is Dragon Wealth?

Dragon Wealth is a 6-month long transformational experience for spiritually awakened people ready to reclaim radical responsibility and generate wealth in all areas of life. We will be creating quantum wealth in our finances, relationships, health, and sacred work. And we will do it by assisting you in learning how to actually make money doing what you love.

What do you get?

Everything that is included in your Dragon Wealth BETA experience.

  • Weekly LIVE coaching sessions for four months where you get direct access to Hannah.

  • Step-by-step curriculum designed to heal you on a quantum level, open you to wealth and abundance, and guide you in starting to generate money doing what you love.

  • Private community off social media where you can mastermind with fellow lightbringers and connect with accountability buddies.

  • All participants in the Dragon Wealth BETA get LIFETIME ACCESS to all future coaching sessions for the completed program.

  • Lifetime access to the Quantum Abundance Accelerator experience.

  • Fast-action takers will also receive a 1:1 call with Hannah and access to a variety of powerful masterclasses, including "Shifting into Wealth" and "TikTok for Business."

You were not meant to be a slave. Wealth is your birthright.

Are you ready to give the middle finger to the poverty matrix once and for all?

I would know.

I've been a wage slave, farm slave, and then some.

Before reclaiming radical responsibility in my own life, I was working on a farm, doing slave labor that I hated for 60+ hours each week for a measly $250 and living with not one, but TWO abusive bosses. I was broke, homeless, and completely alone. I knew I had a lot of wisdom to share with the world and that I was destined to live a wealthy life doing what I loved for a living and helping others do the same -- I just had no idea HOW. After applying the teachings I will share in Dragon Wealth, I now have over 250k+ followers on TikTok and work full time in a business that allows me the freedom to live where I want whenever I want to and to heal and inspire others to do the same.

You can do it too.

And you don't have to suffer through 9+ years of financial, mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual poverty like I did. You have the ability to transform everything in just 6 months.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When does the Dragon Wealth BETA begin?

    Dragon Wealth kicks off on Monday, March 11th at 2pm EST / 8pm CET.

  • What if I can't attend the live sessions?

    Recordings of every live will be posted up within 24 hours. If you have a question you'd like answered live but can't attend, you can tag Hannah in the Dragon Wealth community and she will address your question during the live even if you aren't present.

  • Is there a payment plan available?

    Yes! It’s important to us to make this experience as accessible as possible! The default payment option is $197/month for 12 months. You can also pay $397/month for 6 months OR pay $1997 in full and save 20%.

  • Do you offer refunds or guarantees?

    Refunds are not offered at this time. We are confident in the results you will get with the Dragon Wealth experience and we want you to be too! No take-backsies. ;)

  • How long will I have access to the course and community?

    As a member of the Dragon Wealth BETA, you will receive LIFETIME access to all Dragon Wealth content, live sessions, and experiences.

  • What do you mean by "Dragon Wealth BETA"?

    This is the second time Dragon Wealth is being offered. As such, it will be a live co-creation with everyone participating in this second round! As a BETA participant, you will be expected to provide feedback on your experience at the end. You will get access to Dragon Wealth at the lowest price it will ever be and you will have LIFETIME access to all future Dragon Wealth sessions. You will be a frontrunner in this experience and your participation will help us improve the final version of Dragon Wealth!

  • Does this include 1:1 coaching with Hannah?

    As a participant in Dragon Wealth, you will be coached personally by Hannah in a small group setting. Fast acters will also get 1 exclusive 1:1 coaching session with Hannah. She no longer offers 1:1 coaching, so this is the best way to work with her at this time!

  • What is the time commitment?

    Live sessions will take place weekly on Mondays at 2pm EST / 8pm CET for four months. Then multiple integration and follow-up sessions will ensue, with dates currently to be determined. Each session is expected to last a minimum of an hour and a half and will include teaching, quantum healing, and personal coaching.

  • What if I have another question?

    You can reach out to the Own Your Powers team by emailing [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as we are able.


What previous Dragon Wealth-ers are saying...

“Before Dragon Wealth, I was in a pretty low state. I was struggling with low self esteem, lack of motivation, feeling tired, uninspired and a struggle to get up and do much of anything. I was afraid my depression would come back. Since, I have been taught that I have this reservoir of inner strength and my magick is indeed not made up. I found a sense of community and a sense that I can pursue this for so much longer and help people with this knowledge or my gift.”

Azira Fengasso

“Since participating in Dragon Wealth, I have created a new community of open-minded, loving friends, found a new career path, and am on track to financial independence. Dragon Wealth created a safe, learning environment where we were taken through a fast-paced, deep dive into ourselves, a host of topics, meditations and homework assignments that ultimately created the path to fulfill our initial goals set at the beginning of the course.”

Amy Wakely

“I feel more empowered thanks to DW. It’s not that I wasn’t strong before. I am quite formidable in my own right. DW helped to reaffirm this truth in more areas than brute strength. I am lighter from the healing fires of these supportive dragons that burned through my defenses and resistances to doing the work. I have more tools now at my disposal to identify my blockages and move through them with grace. And one day soon I will emerge even brighter than I am now. I wouldn’t have been able to say the same at the start of this journey. I can confidently look ahead to the future of my making and save myself. ”

Reyna Chavez

“Manifestation is much easier now even more so than it was before. I feel that DW helped me being able to be more Focus-foxed in the direction that is productive in regards to my sacred work. I feel much less stressed than I was in the past because of the DW community. I feel that having a community that supports me when life throws curves at me and greatly helps the procreation of staying focused on my sacred work in a more fluent way. I also feel more confident that I can make a living doing what I love. Since DW I overall feel way more abundant than I was in the past. I feel like I can hold that frequency in a more solid way. I also appreciated TikTok for Business as well because now I'm able to use my hooks more efficiently in TikTok.”

Caleb Mcmahen

“Since being a part of Dragon Wealth I am at a point in my life where anything is possible. I feel more confident, relaxed and am enjoying my life experience a lot more now. We learned so much, the content was excellent very informative, clear and easy to understand. As a group we all connected really well. I have made a group of soul friends definitely. Each person brought there own individual gifts and perspectives to the group. Since Joining and finishing Dragon wealth I have started my own business selling crystals. I have a clear vision in my mind of where I am, who I am and where I'm heading in the future. Dragon Wealth helped unblock me from seeing this with many powerful healing meditations and tasks set for homework, which encouraged us to step out of our comfort zones and look at ourselves in a deeper way. I feel privileged and honoured to have been part of this community and am eternally grateful to Hannah and Own Your Powers!”

Tom Mann

Pricing options

Pay in installments for twelve months or six months OR pay in full and save some cash.

  • Enroll Now

    $197 installment (12 Months)

  • 6 x $397.00

    6 Months

  • $1,997.00

    Single Payment (save $367!)


Let the world hear your roar.

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